2018 ReSULTS

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Casa de Salud

Casa de Salud exists to serve the underserved, and this means those most marginalized -- by society, structural determinants of health and the medical system itself. They work with individuals who engage in syringe exchange, offer community rooted addiction treatment services and employ high quality primary care and behavioral health with integrative approaches. 81% of their patient encounters in the last year were with uninsured patients. The bulk of Casa de Salud’s patients live in the South Valley and in the International District, areas of some of the highest concentrations of low-wealth individuals and families in the Albuquerque metro area.

The through Communities in Action: Mental and Behavioral Health Grant, Casa de Salud engaged in over 200 visits for individual counseling/therapy, acupuncture, massage and reiki. In addition, group approaches to individual and collective mental health, such as indigenous based healing circles and yoga groups, benefitted hundreds of patients over the course of the year. Finally, Casa de Salud was able to create a critical billing infrastructure for the healing circles (if run in part by a clinician) as well as for counseling/therapy so that this work will be more sustainable in 2020 and beyond.

By the numbers:

  • Over 200 individual visits for integrative healing for mental health;

  • 40 apprentices trained in various aspects of mental health;

  • Over 95 patients and community members participated in free yoga classes;

  • Over 150 participants benefitted from education workshops on addictions in New Mexico;

  • 5 patient leaders facilitated education workshops;

  • Over 95 patients participated in ongoing bimonthly yoga classes in English and Spanish;

  • Over 40 health apprentices benefitted from new core competencies, trainings in mental health and skills.