The Communities in Action: Mental & Behavioral Health Grant (CIA-MBH) is a collaborative funding opportunity that brings together funders from across New Mexico to pool resources and make at least one high impact grant of $25,000. This grant is a collaborative investment from funders in various sectors and we encourage organizations to demonstrate similar collaborative thinking when submitting applications.
The CIA-MBH grant is focused on supporting mental and behavioral health programs that serve individuals and communities in Central New Mexico: Bernalillo, Sandoval, Valencia and/or Torrance counties.
Applicants can only submit one proposal.
A complete list of FAQs can be found here.
Access to mental/behavioral health services and community supports
Public and education awareness
Employment and workforce pipeline
Intergenerational services
October 24: RFP Opens
October 30: Informational Webinar (505-241-2671; Conference ID: 465127#)
November 15: RFP closes @5pm MT
November 16-26: Grant team reviews proposals
November 27: Grant review panel convenes; finalists determined & notified
November 30: Presentations from finalists (8:30am-10:00am)
Early December: Awardee announced